June 14-15, 2025, 9am - 4pm
This workshop will be focused on laying the foundation for a 500 sq. ft greenhouse with scoria filled earth bags. You will learn the fundamentals of interlocking these bags together while creating a curved shape, pre-site excavation prep design, as well as the logistics and science behind earth battery design and implementation.
Email OESDirector@CrestoneEnergyFair.Org or call Goldie at 303-903-0968 with any questions.
Community Price: $50
Low-income pricing, supported by your peers (only 4 spots available)
Supporter Price: $90
Pay for yourself
Sustainer Price: $130
Support low-income participants & pay it forward
Price includes two days of instruction and lunch each day. Additional meals and lodging not included.
Dana Oglesby (they/them) began their journey building in the hills of Appalachia, work trading on farms, attending workshops in the wilderness skills community and playing with power tools. They continued their unconventional education when hooking in with a crew building haunted houses. For several years building and art intertwined in an unexpected way that unintentionally created a strong foundation in construction. With that foundation they kept one foot in alternative building in their personal life and one foot in conventional building in their professional life. A now Crestone local who has built their own home here, Dana is inspired and refreshed by their community to concentrate on building non-toxic homes sourced from local materials.